Author: Agnes Nonyem Anarado (PhD Nurs; RN, RM, RNE, FWAPCNM, MEMBER, AORTIC), Prof of Nursing (Rtd) Department of Nursing Sciences, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu Campus
The International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) was established in 1984 with a vision to lead the global nursing community in cancer control and a mission to maximize the influence of nursing to reduce the global burden of cancer. To actualize her vision and achieve her mission to foster the development of cancer nursing internationally, ISNCC established a donor sponsored travel grant scholarship programme. This Travel Grant scholarship enabled me attend the 2023 ICCN conference in Glasgow UK.
What/Who made the conference attendance possible? ”it’s Divine favour with humans as instruments”. First, the ISNCC Executive Board decision that the 2023 ICCN) conference shall be physical after three years virtual conferences. The only action I initiated was a joint abstract written and submitted with my supervisee for oral presentation at the conference. The abstract was accepted which qualifies us to apply for a travel grant. However, my co-author declined to be the abstract presenter and/or apply for the travel grant as she was not disposed to attend. I accepted both, and was awarded the travel grant scholarship. My perceived pencils in God’s hand that effected required actions were: ISNCC executive, abstract co-author, abstract shortlisting and Travel Grant selection committees’, the Travel Grant donor and the International conference Secretariat (ICS) that executed the Grant plan. The scholarship enabled my physical presence/presentation at this conference the accepted co-authored abstract entitled "Nurses Experiences of Compassion Fatigue in a Comprehensive Cancer Centre". I met face-to-face the ISNCC project team members I have been working with virtually, on "Breast Aware: A train the trainer programme for nurses in Africa", led by Catherine Johnson. I was also privileged to present at the conference the successful phase one report of the project with her. I was also privileged to witness the presentation at the conference another collaborative project on development of Africa Oncology Nursing Competencies, involving ISNCC and other national/international nursing associations’ members under AORTIC –Nursing Special Interest Group (SIG) of which I am a member. These Africa focused projects attest ISNCC mission to maximize the influence of nursing to reduce the global cancer burden in Africa.
I also appreciate the wealth of knowledge/experience gained from attending the Travel Grant Awardees’ invited meetings, highly educative Scientific/plenary/break-out sessions and the opening/closing ceremonies social events. The large number of young attendees especially from Asian countries and their presentations highly impressed me.
I thank the ISNCC Executive, Board of Directors, Conference Organizers, Sponsors, especially my Travel Grant sponsor, Attendees and all who assisted in driving forward the oncology nursing leadership worldwide in line with ISNCC vision. I enjoin fellow awardees to shout a loud ‘THANK YOU” The conference activities and travel couldn’t have been that exciting/stress-free without us all.
The way forward: I will:
- offer the required nursing leadership support in mentorship, practice, education and research to drive the Breast Aware: TOT in Africa
- lobby Boards of Nursing for inclusion of Breast Aware as a mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme for nurses.
Thank you