White Papers |
In 2015, the International Society of Nurses in Cancer Care (ISNCC) partnered with the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health to produce the white paper, Strengthening the Oncology Nursing Workforce in Low- and Middle-Income Countries to Address the Growing Cancer Burden. This seminal white paper led to the development of three publications:
Strengthening the oncology nurse workforce in low-income and middle-income countries
A. Galassi, Challinor, J., et al.
Lancet Oncology. 2016;16(8):887-888
Nursing’s potential to address the growing cancer burden in low- and middle-income countries
A. Galassi, Challinor, J., et al.
Journal of Global Oncology. 2016; 2:154-163
Enhancement of oncology nursing education in low- and middle-income countries: Challenges and strategies
W. So, Cummings, G., et al.
Journal of Cancer Policy. 2016; 8:10-16
ISNCC is now developing a plan to implement specific recommendations from the white paper.